Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The LA Pantry: Tomatillos.

When we moved back to LA from Asia, there were definitely some ingredients I was looking forward to being able to stock my kitchen with-- like ricotta, black beans, and (pictured left) tomatillos. Here in our corner Latin grocer they are sold in great big tumbling piles. These strange little fruits, with their paper lantern casing, help to create delicious green salsas, perfect for piling onto a taco. I also understand that you can try them raw (any suggestions on recipes?), which, now that I can get them easily once again, I'll have to try.

To give tomatillos a try, check out Bon Appetit's awesome tomato chipotle salsa.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Welcome to Los Angeles.

After living abroad for more than five years, I've returned to Los Angeles in order to study illustration at the Art Center College of Design. I picked Los Angeles because of the school, but also because I really love the city. I love the lifestyle, the weather, culture, but perhaps most of all-- I love the food.

My intention here is to get out and explore LA, find the best food, and draw it. My hope is that this diary will be a way for me to explore the city and develop my own skills, but I also hope it can provide a guide to eating well in the city of Los Angeles.

If you've got any tips on where to eat in this incredible city, hit me up!
alexandersantillanes at gmail dot com